Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What are the roles of project team and business managers during ERP Inventory system implementation?


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What are the roles of project team and business managers during inventory system implementation?

Managing director protection is one of the key success factors for any development and change process in any enterprise. One of the key rolls of project manager is to make managing director believe in the benefits of the new system and the related changes which are going to be implemented over the enterprise. So project manager must setup periodic meeting with managing director to issue the required information to him and convince him about the benefits. This information must be selected from the expressions already prepared under the topic of awareness or desire phase. Obviously the selected information must be those which nominated for managing director and top managers which satisfy his high level needs.

Also project manager must request managing director to force his top managers to challenge with project manager.

Convincing the owners of business areas (top managers) to make them believe in new system and changes and getting them ready is the other key role of project manager. So project manager must setup sessions in all phases of the project with top managers who owe business areas. In this sessions project manager must make business area owners ready to accept the changes.

Getting managers ready for changed is very important to assure the success of change process. This process is not a one-day task. It should be considered as a continuous process. In the other word you can not expect top managers to accept and follow changes immediately after go live if you do not create the readiness for changes during the entire implementation phases.

So project manager must plan some accrual sessions with top managers from the begging of the implementation and follow up these sessions all over the phases.

Project manager in each session must discuss with top managers about part of the messages which already have published about the system benefits and needs under awareness and desire topics. So that the top managers believe in benefits of the coming changes for their area.

Project manager must communication with owners of business areas to answers their questions and resolve their issues. So that the owners will sense they are collaborating in the process of applying changes. They should not feel they are put aside and changes are to them beyond their desire.
Project managers must take action to be sure that expressions for awareness and desire creation are published to the appropriate users at right time.

Project manager must force the project team to sit with their users periodically to convince them about the benefits and answers their questions and resolve their issues.

In next posts we will talk about project team job descriptions.