Thursday, October 16, 2008

Second phase of our ERP Change Management project


If you are new with this web log we request you to read preface first.

Till now we have discussed about the messages which are required to build the awareness of the need of change to our users, and better to in these series our inventory users.

Now our users are aware of the need of ERP change, thus we can start second phase of change management activity which is to get their desires to participate in the change.

In next posts we will talk about it the messages which should be scattered to different level of Inventory users.

What is the best time, data package and communication channel for each group of users to disseminate the messages?


If you are new with this web log we request you to read preface first.

Time and type of establishing communication are important factors for effectiveness of the messages and trainings too. Therefore, you have to consider these two factors and make a decision depending on your situations.

Here are some tips about the subject:

· You should to be sure users have understood and are aware of the new system before delivering system to them.

· Try not to send messages in workload picks such as cycle counts, end of fiscal year and so on.

What are the benefits of ERP implementation for the users involved in inventory system and ultimately for organization?


This part is about the ERP Inventory end users and benefits to different level of users.

If you are new with this web log we request you to read preface first.

Who are the end users of ERP Inventory system?

according to our previous discussions, in the following table are messages which should be scattered to each user. As it is shown the table each message is suitable for one or more areas.

If you want to know more about the areas we suggest to read this post.

What are the benefits of ERP implementation for the users involved in inventory system and ultimately for organization?

Benefit --------------------------------------------------Area

ERP system with providing stored items information to responsible staffs, help them respond quickly to their internal and external customers.


ERP system with the help of MRP can help company to manage purchase orders and prevent redundant ones.

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ERP systems assure existence of the required goods in the required time via applying appropriate replenishment planning procedure for each item.

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ERP integrated system makes it possible to check the received goods in accordance with the purchase orders.


ERP integrated system assures that only accepted goods in compliance with the required ordered specifications will kept in the warehouse.


ERP system makes it possible to categorize the warehouse items from planning point of view and assign the best planning method of category.


ERP system organizes the warehouse in locators so that accessing to the required items is very fast and easy.

ERP system reduces manual required activities for delivery of requested material from warehouse to consumers via automatic issue process.
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ERP system provides you with the possibility of on line tracking of raw material batches through the production lines as well as quality cause and effect analyses based on quality of lots.

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ERP system integrates inventory and production and synchronizes them so that fulfilling production orders will be efficiently feasible.


ERP system will omit delay in material delivery from warehouse to production via on line information transfer.


ERP system gives the sales people power of planning on the market via correct information about finished goods inventory.


ERP information system prepares information space to record large number of characteristics for each item.


ERP system captures a huge set of attributes for each and very item which determine the behaviour of the item in different transactions.


ERP system categorizes purchasing conditions of all items so that purchasing process is predefined for any item and purchasing department will easily follow that.


There can be little doubt that well implemented supply chain integration saves labour costs and improves inventory control.
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