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O) Procedure Of finished goods (FG) delivery from production plant to warehouse
Trigger: When some quantity of a product is produced and qualified and ready for store in FG warehouse.
1- System shows that some quantity of a finished product is ready to store. The quantity can be equal to one batch or on lot size if product is under lot control. Obviously if our company makes to order, the order number & customer number are attached with the product information.
Any way FG warehouse keeper after getting this indication from system must look for empty suitable locations and locators for the product. This is done by the help of system. He must find places which have enough spaces to keep this much quantity and have proper conditions matching the stocking condition of the coming product (if such conditions are there).
If there are some rules for arrangement of stored products in warehouse, these rules also must be considered by warehouse keeper when doing this step.
These rules can be product based rules or customer based rules or rules for simplifying and expediting release process of product for shipment, etc.
Find result of this task is selection of appropriate location and locator to keep coming finished product.
Concerned role:
Finished product warehouse keeper
2- Inventory keeper of FG warehouse orders the workers to transit the specified quantity of the product (specified at task 1) to the selected location and locator of warehouse (non-systematic).
3- Once step2 is done or simultaneously with step2 a document must be created and registered in system which indicates delivery of the product with a specified quantity. It also contains lot or serial number of delivered product (if applicable) as well as the stored location and locator. All of these elements are to be entered by inventory keeper who is receiving the product. It means that it is inventory person that approves delivered product & quantity. Of course, in an ideal factory, industrial automation is established and so all of these data will be automatically transferred in to ERP system but any which way responsibility of this task is on inventory of finished warehouse (systematic).
Concerned role:
Inventory keeper of finished product warehouse
Pre requirements & necessities:
1- System considers only those quantities of products which quality control for them has been done and quality results has been registered in the system with accepted ranges. This is an optimum practice that its concept is "to prevent any not accepted item of any product to be kept in finished products warehouse and so warehouse contains only those item which can be shipped to customer".
To follow this optimum practice of the ERP systems it is needed that quality control of final product physically be done once it is produced and has passed the final operation of production cycle and it is still in production plant and has not gone out.
This may need a real change in current procedure of final quality in organization and ERP team (implementer as well as process owners) must take care of that.
2- A close communication and cooperation between inventory keeper of FG warehouse and quality control people and manufacturing production control people.