Sunday, November 23, 2008

How will processes be done after change in ERP Inventory project? (continue6...)



If you are new with this web log we request you to read preface first.

E) Procedure of initial Receipt

1-Goods, which are receiving to our organization

Suppliers gradually carry goods to organization and accompanied by a shipment note from which has purchase order number on it. When a party is at the entrance point of our organization the receipt person must check the purchase order number on the shipment note to realize which purchase order is being shipped. Then he must find purchase order number in the system and find its items and control them against the item has been shipped. If it matches (partial matching), the receipt person must permit the goods to be put at receiving location.

2- If the party is carrying some thing different from purchased items the receipt person must refer to non-conformity of received goods procedure, which will describe separately.

3- Receipt person must create a receipt note in the system. This is related to purchase order number and includes quantity of items received. This transaction will only indicate entering part of ordered goods to our plant. The goods in receiving location indeed are not counted as on hand quantity. It does not mean the goods are usable.

Responsible position:

Receipt of goods

Pre requirements & necessities:

1- Purchase order should be printed from the system and sent to supplier

2- An agreement must be agreed between enterprise and among all suppliers to send their goods with a shipment note including purchase order number. This needs a change in communication of our company with its business partners.

3- A receiving location is to be defined physically in the plant to keep received goods before quality check and moving them to store. This location can be a separate location for a big plant but for small plants receiving location can be part of main store which is distinguished via a dedicated locator.

If this is even not possible physically we can separate goods in receiving status instead of separating receiving location. It means you must keep the received goods, which are not controlled with a label indicating status as non usable or not controlled. Then after accomplishing quality checks, the status of passed goods will become "quality passed" or "usable" and status of rejected ones will become "Rejected" or "non usable".

In this case, the principle should be strictly established to prevent using non-controlled goods. This may need more effort in the sense of change management rather than when receiving location is separated physically.

4- The procedure of quality control for each good must be defined before receiving that item. This quality procedure, which must includes quality elements, criteria, accepted ranges testing methods and responsible for control is part of quality system procedures.